
Jes Pan (they/them) wrote their first book at age two, providing illustrations and dictating the words for
"Lolo Zookeeper, Hiding Crocodile." They went on to publish hundreds of home-printed masterpieces at Lolo Press, the pretend publishing company inspired by their childhood nickname.

Jes's love of stories and books grew as they got older, and they continued to read and write voraciously into adulthood. One BA in Creative Writing, one Master's in Library Science, four years working retail, and five years as a librarian later,
Jes is finally revisiting their original love of words and the way they fit together. They edited The Legacy He Left Me by Lovern Gordon in 2021, a life-changing foray into the world of professional publishing. Sonder is their first novel.

Jes lives in Arizona with their wife and two tiny dogs. They are active in the LGBTQ+ community, mainly facilitating informal education programs for youth and young adults through the public library and nonprofit organizations. They also love to knit, craft, read, make spreadsheets, connect on TikTok, and consume horror content of (almost) any kind.